Angie’s kidney transplant surgery Campaign


Hello, I'm raising money to pay for my Angie's kidney transplant surgery

Let's Help Angie!

Angie is the living example of a true hero clinging to life since at her young age she has had to face more than 15 different surgeries, the first being only 1 year old due to Hydrocephalus among other health problems, in the year 2023 she was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and by the grace of God I’m cancer survivor. Unfortunately, as a result of so many surgeries, medications, treatments throughout her short life, caused again the disease to this beautiful, heroic and brave girl. All these tratments and procedurs she developed chronic kidney deficiency, forcing her to need a kidney transplant. That is why we have Faith in God and your good will to request your donation with whatever your will or capacity may be, may God bless you. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear, my only fear is not having enough time to thank God and all of you for your support. Angie.

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